CSL self-unloaders contributing to sustainability of land reclamation project in Monaco
Published by Stephanie Roker,
Dry Bulk,
CSL’s MV Tertnes, a 11 429 DWT CSL self-unloading bulk carrier, has been operating in Monaco since September 2018 servicing the ambitious Portier Cove land reclamation project under way in the Principality. Also supporting the project for a three month period was the 10 142 DWT MV CSL Rhine.
Sustainability is a key priority of the project, and every effort is being made to protect the marine environment and biodiversity, and minimise the impact on the community.
As shown in the video here, Tertnes shuttles ballast material in the form of sand and aggregates from Toulon (France), and discharges it directly into caissons in Monaco. CSL Rhine handles aggregates that make up the backfill material inside the new sea wall created by the caissons. This cargo is discharged by CSL Rhine onto split hopper barges that are then unloaded in the shallow area inside the sea wall.
The innovative use of CSL’s self-unloading vessels have proven to be a very efficient way of transporting the large quantities of material needed by the project, helping to reduce CO2 emissions and road congestion in Monaco and the surrounding areas.
Tertnes and CSL Rhine discharge 10 000 t of cargo in each load, which is the equivalent of approximately 1000 truckloads. Over the duration of the project, CSL vessels will handle a total of over 400 000 t of material, equal to about 40 000 truckloads.
Read the article online at: https://www.drybulkmagazine.com/material-handling/06092019/csl-self-unloaders-contributing-to-sustainability-of-land-reclamation-project-in-monaco/
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