Government of Québec supports infrastructure improvements at the Port of Trois-Rivières
Published by John Williams,
Editorial Assistant
Dry Bulk,
The Government of Que´bec has confirmed that it will provide US$2 492 595 in financial assistance to the Trois-Rivie`res Port Authority for the development of an outdoor storage space, a multi-purpose shed and an oversized equipment warehouse.
The Minister of Transport and Minister responsible for the Estrie region, Franc¸ois Bonnardel, and the Minister of Labour, Employment and Social Solidarity and Minister responsible for the Mauricie region, Jean Boulet, made the announcement.
The new warehouse will allow Hason to operate a receiving, storage and assembly unit for its oversized products and export these overseas. The project will create around 40 quality jobs.
“The development of a storage space, a multi-purpose shed and an oversized equipment warehouse will directly contribute to the development of the industrial-port zone of Trois-Rivie`res. Our government is proud to invest in improving the port’s marine transportation services and support regional economic development,” said Franc¸ois Bonnardel, Minister of Transport and Minister responsible for the Estrie region.
“As a key player in the development of the industrial-port zone of Trois-Rivie`res, we are proud of this new partnership with Hason. Thanks to this project, the port and the city of Trois-Rivie`res will benefit from an increased international influence, which will bring significant benefits to our community.
“The Government of Que´bec, the City of Trois-Rivie`res, Innovation and Economic Development Trois-Rivie`res and the industrial-port zone’s stakeholders have made a vital contribution to the realisation of this major project,” Gae´tan Boivin, President and CEO of the Port of Trois-Rivie`res.
- The initial project of 2016 provided for the development of a logistics park on the territory of the port of Trois-Rivie`res for indoor and outdoor storage. The project has since evolved to better meet the needs of local businesses, including Hason. The new version of the project includes the development of an outdoor storage space, a multi-purpose shed and an oversized equipment warehouse. The financial assistance planned initially was not modified with the new version of the project.
- Hason’s operations of a storage and assembly unit will create some 40 jobs in Trois- Rivie`res.
- Financial assistance is provided under the Maritime Transport Infrastructure Investment Support Program, which aims to promote investment in the interests of competitiveness and sustainable development. It includes the following three components:
- Maritime and intermodal infrastructure infreight transport.
- Pilot projects infreight transport.
- Maritime infrastructure in passenger transport.
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