Siwertell releases debut bulk handling single
Published by Louise Mulhall,
Editorial Assistant
Dry Bulk,
In what is likely to be an industry first, Siwertell has released its debut single on the music-streaming service, Spotify. This is Siwertell depicts the essence of handling dry materials in a unique refrain. “I’m pretty sure that no one will have heard a song about handling alumina, cement and biomass before, particularly using our ship unloading, loading and conveying technology,” says song co-creator and Siwertell Marketing Manager, Emily Brækhus Cueva.
Its other writer, Siwertell Sales Director, Juha Huovilainen, says: “When we realised that we both created music in our spare time, we joked about making a song about Siwertell and bulk handling. But the joke soon became history when the writing began.”
The pair wrote and first performed the song at one of the company’s global representatives’ meetings in Copenhagen, Denmark. “The original idea for This is Siwertell was primarily to further strengthen relationships with our representatives by creating something that brought us together – we all work with Siwertell. It was intended to be a light-hearted way to unite us as a team during this meeting.
“We performed the song for over 50 global representatives and employees; we were blown away with the positive feedback, not only from people within the business, but also from those unaware of bulk handling. People kept saying that the song sticks in your mind, so we decided to record a single and use it in our communications,” he says. “The positive reactions have continued, for example from customers that representatives have played the song for. As a result we decided to add the single on Spotify.
“Music is a great resource and a fairly underused platform in our business. We believe that by adding this communication channel to our marketing portfolio, we will reach a broader audience and spread our messages even further. We also think that the song can strengthen our brand at a higher level. It is catchy and this helps people remember, or makes it impossible for them to forget, the name Siwertell!” concludes Ms Brækhus Cueva.
Use the following link to listen to This is Siwertell: Spotify
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