RST launches coal dust control solution
A new solution for coal mines to control dust more efficiently throughout the entire material supply chain has been launched to the market by fine particle management specialist Reynolds Soil Technologies (RST).
In response to industry demand for innovative methods to control hazardous coal dust, RST has developed its latest product Total Coal Control (TCC), which offers high levels of dust suppression throughout all coal handling.
TCC is an environmentally safe and easy-to-use product that has multi-functional application benefits including coal quality protection, material handling improvements, and superior dust suppression. Designed to be applied to the bulk coal as one initial treatment at the mine site TCC delivers ongoing material handling improvements throughout the whole delivery process. When used to suppress dust during loading, transfer points, or storage, TCC treatment delivers long-term control of dust, coal protection from moisture and oxidation, helps deter stockpile fires and controls rain erosion, slumping, and material loss.
TCC is a deep treatment that penetrates, agglomerates, and coats the coal particles, while remaining flexible and film forming for the effective handling of coal. This advanced treatment binds fine coal particles during mining to significantly minimise dust and forms a skin/crust that coats material when stockpiled or transported in rail wagons, trucks, and ships, all the way to the final delivery point of the coal buyer.
RST Operations and Technical Director David Handel said TCC was designed as a versatile one-formula-fits-all solution for a range of challenges faced by coal mine operators, transportation companies, ports, power stations, and steel mills when moving coal. If further dust suppression is required, small amounts of plain water sprayed onto the TCC-treated coal at different transfer points reactivate the TCC’s advanced dust suppression properties, removing the necessity for additional applications.
“TCC is a multi-functional application that ultimately provides coal quality protection due to its dust suppression properties that bind fine particles and prevent loss of product caused by rain, wind, and material handling,” said Handel.
“It is a highly adaptable product that can also form a crust when the treated coal is sprayed with a small amount of water.
“Fine particles, whether coal or other minerals, consistently cause so many varying problems for personnel handling coal, not only at mine sites, but during transportation through to the end users both here and overseas.
“We developed TCC to address a variety of issues that can arise along the material supply chain with as little as one treatment in its cycle so even the power stations and steel mines that buy the coal get value from the treatment.
“TCC promotes excellent penetration and adhesion to coal particles to assist in the control of fine fractions of mined and washed coal that remain present throughout the entire material supply chain which could have consequences that are hazardous, costly, and require regular maintenance.”
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