Svitzer Australia achieves emissions reductions
Published by Sarah Smith,
Assistant Editor
Dry Bulk,
In the weeks following the worst of 2020’s bushfire crisis, Svitzer committed to reducing its rate of CO2 emissions by 5% by 31 December 2020.
Over 12 months on, Svitzer has not only achieved this 5% reduction in the rate of emissions, but also reduced the total CO2 emitted in 2020 by the 84 vessels across its Australian fleet by 5%.
This 5% reduction represents 1.08 million litres of fuel saved, or 2942 t of CO2 emissions avoided – the equivalent of removing 1387 cars off the road.
Nicolaj Noes, Managing Director, Svitzer Australia, stated:
“It is very pleasing to have achieved the result of reducing our emissions by 5% across our Australian fleet, to see that we are working hard to do our part in reducing emissions and succeeding in doing so.
“While these are small steps in a global context, they are steps in the right direction as a company and for our people to see they can have a measurable impact on reducing our emissions in our day to day business. It shows that every little bit counts.”
The introduction of a new reporting tool in 2020, Port Tracker, was a key contributor to reducing fuel consumption and emissions. Port Tracker was successfully implemented in nine ports, representing over 62% of the total fuel consumed in Svitzer’s Australian ports.
Svitzer Australia’s Head of Innovation, David Bartnik, who is leading the global project said that the 5% reduction was a stretch target and it was significant that the company had achieved it.
“By achieving our 2020 target, Svitzer is now looking at how we can extend the target and ensure we continue to make reductions across the business, through behavioural change and working with other port stakeholders to optimise operational efficiency.”
Furthermore, as part of the commitment made last year, Svitzer continues to invest in emissions-reducing technology, including installing solar panels at key ports of Brisbane, Newcastle, and Melbourne, Australia, and looking at the viability of alternative fuels for its fleet globally. The 86 kW Brisbane project has recently been commissioned, and is estimated to avoid the emission of more than 125 tpy of CO2.
Svitzer Australia also reports its energy use and greenhouse gas emissions under the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting scheme. In the most recent submission for the financial year, 2019/2020 results indicated that overall, Svitzer had reduced its production of greenhouse gases by 5%.
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