Vale’s ‘green ships’, key highlight of Vale’s latest Sustainability Report
Published by Claire Cuddihy,
Assistant Editor
Dry Bulk,
One of the main highlights of Vale’s 11th Sustainability Report, which provided information on the company’s performance in 2017 in environmental, social and economic areas was its Valemaxes which reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
The Brazilian metals and mining company’s 2nd generation Valemaxes, which boast a capacity of 400 000 t, and which were built on a Vale initiative are the world’s most efficient vessels in terms of reduction of GHG emissions ever built in the history of international shipping. The new vessels emit 41% less CO2 than the Capesizes used in 2011, with a capacity of 180 000 t, which served as the basis for the first generation of Valemaxes, launched that year.
In the document, Vale presents its new structure of governance in sustainability, its approach aligned with the UN’s 2030 Agenda, and also emphasises the 50 years of Vale Foundation, as well as the 40 years of Vale Natural Reserve as an officially protected area.
The report also includes guidelines and commitments related to the United Nations Global Compact and to the company’s actions, based on the Sustainable Development Goals and the International Council of Mining and Metals.
Vales’ Sustainability Director, Alberto Ninio, explained: “Vale uses natural resources in its operations. Therefore, we must account to society with a specific report on socio-environmental issues. This year, we have further advanced by aligning our actions to the structure of the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals.”
- 8500 km2 of protected areas, equivalent to 5.6 times the total area occupied by the operational units;
- The percentage of reuse of water for industrial processes was 82%;
- Planting of more than 140 000 seedlings of species protected by law;
- Investment of US$487.3 million in environmental protection and conservation;
- 100% of iron ore tailings dams audited with confirmed stability condition.
- US$14 million invested by Vale Foundation in 52 projects in 65 cities in Brazil;
- US$69.3 million invested in infrastructure;
- US$35.6 million invested in services;
- 237 actions in health involving 341 800 employees, third parties and residents of communities neighbouring the operations;
- The percentage of local purchases of Vale in operations in Brazil, Mozambique and Canada was 90%;
- 142 Plans for Relationship and Social Investment in Brazil in 2017.
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