SCHADE reclaimers for Chinese steel works
Published by Lydia Woellwarth,
Dry Bulk,
Synergies within the AUMUND Group of companies consistently lead to successful outcomes. SCHADE Lagertechnik GmbH, based in Gelsenkir-chen in Germany, is a member of the AUMUND Group and an international specialist in the sales, engineering and supply of Stackers and Reclaimers for bulk materials stockyards and blending beds. Local sales activities for SCHADE are supported in China by AUMUND Machinery Technology (Bei-jing) Ltd, which is supplying eight SCHADE Semi-Portal Reclaimers, each with a capacity of 1800 tph of iron ore, to the new Zhongtian Steel Works in Nantong, via general contractor CISDI.
Nantong is a town with a population of approximately 2 million, about 100 km north of Shanghai, and is where Zhongtian Steel is currently construct-ing a greenfield steel plant which is due to commence operations at the end of 2021. The eight SCHADE Semi-Portal Reclaimers specially designed for this project are to be supplied by the end of February 2021.
Zhongtian Steel belongs to the Zhongtian Group which was incorporated in 2001 and is one of the most successful private companies in China, with activities in metallurgy, ports, power plants, logistics and hotel construction. The Zhongtian Group is one of the top 500 earning companies in China.
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