Weekly US Rail Traffic for the Week Ending September 7, 2024
Published by David Bizley,
Dry Bulk,
The Association of American Railroads (AAR) today reported US rail traffic for the week ending September 7, 2024.
For this week, total US weekly rail traffic was 479 179 carloads and intermodal units, up 7.3% compared with the same week last year.
Total carloads for the week ending September 7 were 222 201 carloads, up 2.2% compared with the same week in 2023, while U.S. weekly intermodal volume was 256 978 containers and trailers, up 12.1% compared to 2023.
Five of the 10 carload commodity groups posted an increase compared with the same week in 2023. They included grain, up 4920 carloads, to 19 552; chemicals, up 3269 carloads, to 32 669; and petroleum and petroleum products, up 1033 carloads, to 10 778. Commodity groups that posted decreases compared with the same week in 2023 included coal, down 4024 carloads, to 63 754; motor vehicles and parts, down 1248 carloads, to 13 663; and forest products, down 338 carloads, to 7511.
For the first 36 weeks of 2024, US railroads reported cumulative volume of 7 780 022 carloads, down 3.4% from the same point last year; and 9 351 417 intermodal units, up 9.4% from last year. Total combined US traffic for the first 36 weeks of 2024 was 17 131 439 carloads and intermodal units, an increase of 3.2% compared to last year.
North American rail volume for the week ending September 7, 2024, on 9 reporting U.S., Canadian and Mexican railroads totaled 323 723 carloads, down 0.1% compared with the same week last year, and 334 792 intermodal units, up 9.2% compared with last year. Total combined weekly rail traffic in North America was 658,515 carloads and intermodal units, up 4.4%. North American rail volume for the first 36 weeks of 2024 was 23 874 410 carloads and intermodal units, up 2.5% compared with 2023.
Canadian railroads reported 87 045 carloads for the week, down 2.9%, and 65 938 intermodal units, up 1.7% compared with the same week in 2023. For the first 36 weeks of 2024, Canadian railroads reported cumulative rail traffic volume of 5 691 447 carloads, containers and trailers, up 0.3%.
Mexican railroads reported 14,477 carloads for the week, down 13.8% compared with the same week last year, and 11 876 intermodal units, down 6.0%. Cumulative volume on Mexican railroads for the first 36 weeks of 2024 was 1 051 524 carloads and intermodal containers and trailers, up 5.1% from the same point last year.
The original version of this article can be found here
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