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WEBINAR - Cement Plants: Potential and Challenges of Efficient Gas Flow Measurement

WEBINAR - Cement Plants: Potential and Challenges of Efficient Gas Flow Measurement

19 November 2024 - 19 November 2024


Cement production requires substantial gas flow, crucial for material movement and the entire pyroprocessing operation. A significant portion of a cement plant's energy consumption is dedicated to fan systems that regulate these flows, particularly in the raw mill and downcomer areas. Accurate gas flow measurement, especially for tertiary air, is vital for effective process control.

However, measuring gas flow in such harsh conditions – characterised by high temperatures, dust-laden environments, and turbulent airflows – poses significant challenges. Inaccurate measurements can result in combustion imbalances, reducing fuel efficiency, increasing emissions, and causing instability in clinker formation.

Register for this webinar to hear from Hans Georg Conrads, CEO at PROMECON, on the importance of precise airflow measurement, and why it is essential for optimising air flow, controlling emissions, and maintaining a stable and efficient cement production process.


Hans Georg Conrads | CEO